Product Description
Manufactured by Complete Environmental Products, Inc.
These booms can be widely used in many different applications. Setting the standard for cleaning up oil spills , these booms are a necessity where oil leaks on/in water are possible. By helping to contain and by soaking up oil (not water), you can safely and efficiently keep spills from getting out of hand. The 5" boom is the go-to boom across the industry for oil spill clean ups.
- Provides containment & maximum absorption while repelling water
- Absorbs oil on land or water even when raining
- Will not sink even if the boom is saturated
- Comprised of anti-shed or non-lint netting
- Overlapping clips for deployment in any length
- Embedded rope for easy deployment and retrieval in water
- Ideal uses include wastewater troughs, loading docks, ponds, rivers, and oceans to absorb oily spills