Product Description
Biobor MD is an all-inclusive diesel treatment to boost engine performance and efficiency and protect your diesel engine year-round. Fuel combustion qualities are increased, injectors are cleaned and lubricated, fuel is stabilized and corrosion is inhibited; all resulting in a cleaner, more efficient engine. Unique to Biobor MD, all the critical characteristics to improve performance and protect your diesel engine are included in one treatment, PLUS Biobor MD contains cold weather protection for year-round use with a single product!
Diesel Performance and Efficiency Enhancer
- Reduces soot up to 94%
- Increases cetane by up to 6 pts
- Stabilizes diesel up to 2 yrs.
- Prevents corrosion in fuel system
- Anti-Gel and lower CFPP
- Inhibits Corrosion & adds lubricity